What differentiates us SAARAL INDIA GROUP from other infrastructure companies is the professionalism blended with that caring nature to bring the best out of our project to fulfill all the needs of our client. With a special focus on our construction site, SIG appoints expertise engineers on specific field of work like collecting soil samples at regular depth intervals and examine it with laboratory tests.
Then our engineer submit a report with lab result and recommend the type of foundation required for that soil type. One of the other main resource is water. we collect the samples and the examine the land area and do the borewell logging. In SIG , works are followed as per the government’s Rules and Regulations and we conduct field investigation, laboratory tests as per the norms .
We are here to help you to find the best place to build your house or any other construction or land-related works.
we deliver the best solution to out clients by creating peaceful, fair and sustainable environment. In SAARAL INDIA GROUP, we strongly believe urbanization is the key for a country’s growth and helps in contributing to it. We have Two master projects under Urbanization which we are proud of. Understanding the importance of PRADHAN MANTRI AWAS YOJANA scheme we build the best class society with independent houses including all essential features. And the other project has its own specialities, the FARM HOUSE project promotes save nature, MAKE IN INDIA , Green India , Swach Bharath schemes.